- My favorite part was when you made funny voices. Student with Autism
- Every year I look forward to your visit. Farmington Middle School Teacher
- You are fun and funny. Brainerd Kindergarten Teacher
- Thanks for helping us celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Principal
- Our students were engaged and attentive. Title 1 Teacher
- You have a real talent communicating a serious message in a very entertaining and informative way. Middle School Dean
- I watched my niece rolling with laughter during the "3 Bears" in Finnish. She is 4. ECFE Coordinator
- I have never laughed so much in my life! Title 1 Parent
- You made our engineers smile and react outwardly. Medtronic Employee
- The "3 Bears" is everyone's perennial favorite. Park & Rec Coordinator
- Our boys sat mesmerized; you could have heard a pin drop. Den Leader
- The seniors are still buzzing about your visit. Senior Citizen Coordinator
- One of our librarians said your program was her favorite and we have had many! Library Coordinator
- My 4-year old has taken an interest in balloon sculpturing since your visit and is teaching me how to do it. Mom
from Birthday Party
- You entertained both the students and the adults. That's hard to do. DARE Officer
- Two of the audience members were most difficult to please. You did! Assisted Living Specialist
- Audiences, especially children, can hear the English language anytime. What a delightful and funny presentation
you had with your Finnish dialog. I haven't laughed like that for a long time! 75 Year Old Grandma J
- You were very motivational. I feel inspired to try to learn new things and to be proud of my heritage.
Single Parent
- You were so awesome...better than David Copperfield. Girl Scout
- We had 900 people and no one left early from your performance. Thanks for making my first event so successful.
DARE Officer
- As parents, we were as mesmerized as the kids. Wow! Dad from Birthday Party
- The adults and children enjoyed you so much and it really sparked conversation after you left. Open House Daycare
- The children and staff enjoyed you so much that I am booking you again! Latchkey Coordinator
- You are soft and you smell like a donut. Preschooler with a hug